Rollup release 2.5.0-beta.3

Beta 3 brings bug fixes and improvement to documentation and accessibility as we move forward towards a more visually and technically consistent 2.5.0 rollup release.

21 Jun 2021

You'll find improvements to vf-content typography spacing, vf-figure type and assorted improvements to guidance and documentation on when to use which components.

Read on for more.

Notable improvements

vf-content 1.6.0 npm git diff

vf-figure 1.5.7 npm git diff

Documentation and accessibility

vf-card 2.5.8 npm git diff

vf-summary 1.5.1 npm git diff

vf-search-client-side 2.0.0-alpha.1 npm git diff

Bug fixes

embl-breadcrumbs-lookup 1.1.1 npm git diff

vf-code-example 1.2.2 npm git diff

vf-sass-config 2.5.4 npm git diff

vf-core 2.2.28 npm git diff

vf-tabs 2.0.1 npm git diff

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