Forthcoming changes
Planned changes for UniProt -
UniProt release 2019_01
Engaging and disengaging: CRISPR rings | Cross-references to jPOST -
UniProt release 2018_11
Enhanced enzyme annotation in UniProtKB using Rhea – integrating biology and chemistry -
UniProt release 2018_10
You’re not coming in! -
UniProt release 2018_09
Tubulin code: a long sought-after player identified
News archive
Getting started 
Text search
Our basic text search allows you to search all the resources available -
Find regions of similarity between your sequences -
Sequence alignments
Align two or more protein sequences using the Clustal Omega program -
Retrieve/ID mapping
Batch search with UniProt IDs or convert them to another type of database ID (or vice versa) -
Peptide search
Find sequences that exactly match a query peptide sequence
UniProt data
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Get the UniProt data -
View Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL statistics -
How to cite us
The UniProt Consortium -
Submit your data
Submit your sequences and annotation updates -
Programmatic access
Query UniProt data using APIs providing REST, SPARQL and Java services
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Section 2
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