{# This file should eventually be deleted with each type of utility classes having its own variant documentation. #}
{% markdown %} ### Et al. - `.vf-u-text--et-al` for use in publications lists and similar Jon Smith, Jane Johnson, ### Screenreader text - `.vf-u-sr-only` some things should only be shown to screen readers Like this text ### No wrap - `.vf-u-text--nowrap` keep text together, as much as possible I'm some words that can break awkwardly but keep the Company Name together. ### Break text - `.vf-u-text--break` break long strings of text Here's some long text that would otherwise run off the side of the page evock2OTIhUP5N9ZgsNCzgYrfFuKd3ktVLTYnVTfX1NPpzjxmYC0RwLiOxwqi7n7VLWgRFUiTa7UK77exxWkpbJwLoERCAU5L0Z8ebvYpjKCtCboKgAxYx4CxmlsP3U66rabF3nxA6sNDhZnYWW6zr1QfR7J7nzKhQG9P2oSnOFNoK7xPr6hgxpePl3Jq9Ml2n5eAeV6evock2OTIhUP5N9ZgsNCzgYrfFuKd3ktVLTYnVTfX1NPpzjxmYC0RwLiOxwqi7n7VLWgRFUiTa7UK77exxWkpbJwLoERCAU5L0Z8ebvYpjKCtCboKgAxYx4CxmlsP3U66rabF3nxA6sNDhZnYWW6zr1QfR7J7nzKhQG9P2oSnOFNoK7xPr6hgxpePl3Jq9Ml2n5eAeV6. ### Text-colours Same colour options as background colours, with a prefix of {% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-text-color-- {% endcodeblock %} {% markdown %} ### Text and heading sizes - Text: From 1 to 6, with 1 being the largest. - Button: From 1 to 2, with 1 being the largest. - Heading: From 1 to 5, with 1 being the largest. {% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-type__text-body--1 .vf-u-type__text-body--6 .vf-u-type__text-button--1 .vf-u-type__text-button--2 .vf-u-type__text-heading--1 .vf-u-type__text-heading--5 {% endcodeblock %} {% markdown %} ### Grid layout {% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-grid--reset { grid-column: 1 / -1; } {% endcodeblock %} {% markdown %} ### Visibility {% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-display-none { display: none; } {% endcodeblock %} {% markdown %} ### Margins In a increasing numerical order, basing the actual value of `.125rem` as `100` increments. | classname | size (in `rem`) | |-----------|-----------------| | .vf-u-margin--0 | 0rem | | .vf-u-margin--100 | .25rem | | .vf-u-margin--200 | .5rem | | .vf-u-margin--400 | 1rem | | .vf-u-margin--500 | 1.25rem | | .vf-u-margin--600 | 1.5rem | | .vf-u-margin--800 | 2rem | | .vf-u-margin--1200 | 3rem |
{% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-margin--0 .vf-u-margin--100 .vf-u-margin--200 .vf-u-margin--400 .vf-u-margin--500 .vf-u-margin--600 .vf-u-margin--800 .vf-u-margin--1200 .vf-u-margin__bottom--0 .vf-u-margin__bottom--.. .vf-u-margin__bottom--1200 .vf-u-margin__top--0 .vf-u-margin__top--.. .vf-u-margin__top--1200 .vf-u-margin__left--0 .vf-u-margin__left--.. .vf-u-margin__left--1200 .vf-u-margin__right--0 .vf-u-margin__right--.. .vf-u-margin__right--1200 {% endcodeblock %} {% markdown %} ### Padding In a increasing numerical order, basing the actual value of `.125rem` as `100` increments. | classname | size (in `rem`) | |-----------|-----------------| | .vf-u-padding--0 | 0rem | | .vf-u-padding--100 | .25rem | | .vf-u-padding--200 | .5rem | | .vf-u-padding--400 | 1rem | | .vf-u-padding--500 | 1.25rem | | .vf-u-padding--600 | 1.5rem | | .vf-u-padding--800 | 2rem | | .vf-u-padding--1200 | 3rem |
{% endmarkdown %} {% codeblock 'css' -%} .vf-u-padding--0 .vf-u-padding--100 .vf-u-padding--200 .vf-u-padding--400 .vf-u-padding--500 .vf-u-padding--600 .vf-u-padding--800 .vf-u-padding--1200 .vf-u-padding__bottom--0 .vf-u-padding__bottom--.. .vf-u-padding__bottom--1200 .vf-u-padding__top--0 .vf-u-padding__top--.. .vf-u-padding__top--1200 .vf-u-padding__left--0 .vf-u-padding__left--.. .vf-u-padding__left--1200 .vf-u-padding__right--0 .vf-u-padding__right--.. .vf-u-padding__right--1200 {% endcodeblock %}

Todo: This should be autogenerated from the Sass, but to best do that we might look at some sort of css documentation tool.