### 1.5.1 * Makes logo larger only when using extreme variant. * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.5.0 * removes some unneeded CSS. * deprecates `--extrene` variation. * makes the maximum height of the logo 3rem (48px). ### 1.4.0 * updates spacing design tokens * requires `v2.0.0` of the `vf-design-tokens` package or newer ### 1.3.0 * adds loading="eager" to the img element for better performance ### 1.2.0 * adds 'context' for the logo ### 1.1.0 * adds if statement for if there is text or not so no HTML is printed if not * adds class if logo text is provided * changes what is making space between logo and text to it being the text item ### 1.0.1 * Tweaks height, adds larger "extreme" variant ### 1.0.0 * Initial stable release