{# Make sure any variables are listed inside the following if statement #} {% if context %} {# {% set vf-location-nearest = context.vf-location-nearest %} #} {% endif %}
/* This is a demo only, to use this utility component follow the README.md to graft onto your UI */ {% markdown %} ### Detected location Your detected city is: loading ### Available locations
### Element activation Elements tagged with `data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="{locationId}"` will receive clicks on location change. This is a simple method to activate diverse elements. {% endmarkdown %}
{% markdown %} A sample `data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='default'` activation target {% endmarkdown %}
{% markdown %} A sample `data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='heidelberg'` activation target {% endmarkdown %}
{% markdown %} A sample `data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='grenoble'` activation target {% endmarkdown %}
{% markdown %} Showing a second set of tabs {% endmarkdown %}
{% markdown %} Showing a second set of tabs {% endmarkdown %}