### 1.5.0 * Remove `vf-badge--phases` after upstream removal in vf-badge@2.0.0 * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1546 * Improve placement of `.vf-intro__heading--has-tag .vf-badge` to facilitate assorted widths and multiline headings * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1579 ### 1.4.7 * Fixes CSS to match stylelint rules. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1405 ### 1.4.6 * Add support for anchor `id` attribute. ### 1.4.5 * Move the example content into a default variant to stop it printing out when using `render ..`. ### 1.4.4 * Fixes a missing vf_intro_subheading vf-intro.njk's context. * Fixes README.md invalid example syntax. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1326 ### 1.4.3 * Resolve issue of missing import in index.scss * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1306 ### 1.4.2 * bug: don't apply styling to `a` elements that have a `.vf-*` class ### 1.4.1 * added `column-gap` as this was missed ### 1.4.0 * adds the option to have a nicer styled 'sub-heading' * introduces the use of `vf-stack` to layout out the vertical stacking of the content * use `--vf-stack-margin--custom` to align things as required * removes use of `embl-grid` and lets `vf-intro` roll it's own ### 1.3.2 * resets the custom property used for `gap` in `embl-grid` so it only worries about the column gap ### 1.3.1 * updates max-width of component ### 1.3.0 * adds ability for `vf-badge` to be customised with it's variants * allows for fallbacks so older versions will still work * removes old way of doing `vf-badge` from demo code * makes `vf-lede` work ### 1.2.0 * wraps all content except heading in if statement * changes how badges are implemented inside an if statement ### 1.1.0 * adds if statement to pass context data through to component * improves documentation ### 1.0.2 * Simplify grid ### 1.0.0 * Initial stable release