### 4.0.0-alpha.1 * Added : Angular syntax for different variants as compared to common syntax ### 4.0.0-alpha.0 * Added : Experimental Angular support for Hero component ### 3.3.4 * Changing from h1 to h2 * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1762 ### 3.3.3 * Improve docs on vf-hero image sizing * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1641 ### 3.3.2 * Drop use of vf-stack-margin--custom. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1698 ### 3.3.1 * Reduces vf-hero bottom margin. * Makes vf-hero bottom margin "smarter" by no applying when the following element uses `vf-u-fullwidth` or `vf-navigation`. In these cases vf-stack is sufficient. ### 3.3.0 * Updates the default hero spacing to be equivalent to 1200 (was: 800). This better matches the actual default usage in practice and is based off design feedback for consistency. * Hides 1600 variant that has gone unused. * Readme updated to note that most uses will want a background image at 3000 by 1000 pixels. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1614 ### 3.2.3 * Fixes width issue on mobile introduced when making the hero content a little wider. * Removes unused `vf-intro-group.png` sample hero image. ### 3.2.2 * Allows html (for links) in vf-hero__subheading (and a few other fields) when using the Nunjucks template. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1485 ### 3.2.1 * Resolves a Nunjucks bug on `vf_hero_text` from a yaml file under certain contexts. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1462 * Allows vf_hero_heading_href to be passed in yaml. * Gobbles much of the whitespace. ### 3.2.0 * adds thinner `vf-hero--400` variant. * fixes `vf-hero__content vf-box` sizing padding calculaton for `vf-hero--800` variant. * makes the maximum width of the `vf-hero__content` wider, but make smaller widths `max-content`. ### 3.1.0 * adds link styles to the `vf-hero__heading` * updated the documentation to include the `vf-hero__heading_link` details. ### 3.0.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 3.0.0 * removes all design variants. * replaces `vf-hero__heading__additional` with `vf-hero__kicker`. * makes the call to action link a separate entity as there would be a conflict with `vf-hero__text`. * adds a little more documentation. ### 2.0.6 * fixed an issue where `vf_hero_href` had no context option for use in `vf-11ty`. ### 2.0.5 * adds a `flex` property to the SVG so that it's always visible and doesn't get cut off. ### 2.0.4 * fixes missing context rule for `hero__text` and `hero__heading--additional`. ### 2.0.3 * adds the context options so the component can be used in 11ty with content seperation. * changes `max-content` to `fit-content` so the `__content` element adapts to smaller viewports. * removes left padding from `--block` variant as it 'looked weird'. ### 2.0.2 * adds a width of `max-content` to the `__content` part of the component so short titles don't look silly. ### 2.0.1 * adds the option to add an url to `vf-hero__heading` with nunjucks/yaml. * gives the element a classname. ### 2.0.0 * introduces new naming convention for design variants. * `--inverted`: that inverts the foreground and background colours * `--flush`: pulls the `vf-hero__content` to the bottom of the `vf-hero`. * `--offset`: pulls the `vf-hero__content` below the `vf-hero` container. * `--centered`: centres the `vf-hero__content` component. * `--block`: makes the `vf-hero__content` bleed all the way ot the left of the page. * `--striped`: inverts the `vf-hero__text` to that of what's set in `vf-hero__content`. * `--800`, `--1200`, and `--1600` spacing variants. * replaces `vf-hero-theme--` with `vf-hero--` for the `primary`, `secondary`, and `tertiary` variants. * removes the 'Mortal Kombat' naming convention. * reduces visible options of the new `vf-hero`. * older versions (v2) degrade gracefully to the default variant. ### 1.8.0 * deprecates the `--intense` variant. ### 1.7.1 * removes CSS for 'inlayed' design as no longer in use * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1204 ### 1.7.0 * makes the padding on `--intense` standardised to our spacing units * reduces height of all other variants * currently this is the 'maximum space' the component will get to allow it's content to be readable ### 1.6.0 * adds loading="lazy" to the img element for better performance ### 1.5.0 * makes theme variant naming and decisions consistent ### 1.4.6 * updates max-width of component ### 1.4.5 * adds an if statement for contextual data if applicable ### 1.4.4 * fixes issue with `--intense` variant so parallax image is full width ### 1.4.3 * replaces margin shorthand so it doesn't remove bottom margin when using `--inlay` modifier ### 1.4.2 * fixes an issue with vf-hero--inlay and the background image width ### 1.4.0 * Adds ability to specify height of the image * Improves leading for text with link icon * Gives content a max-width to remove need for Media Query * Makes the positioning of the content depend upon the image height * small update to documentation ### 1.3.1 * reverts naming convention for background image reference to vf_hero_image * updates key/value pair and classes for the sub-heading ### 1.3.0 * The vf-hero component snaps to the viewport boundaries on smaller screens * splits out variants using .yml instead of hard coding * removes search example * makes `--extreme` variant match designs #### 1.2.0 * Removes `--medium` variants * Introduces `--very-easy` variant * Pulls all design variants back one