### 2.0.2 * Changelog correction [Tracking issue](https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/2035) ### 2.0.1 * Version bump ### 2.0.0 * Version bump ### 2.0.0-alpha.1 * Added description to the component page on VF site. [Tracking issue](https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1885) ### 2.0.0-alpha.0 * reworks the legend to make more use of nunjucks * restyles the legend to match latest design direction * adds better documentation ### 1.1.2 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.1.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.1.0 * updates spacing design tokens * requires `v2.0.0` of the `vf-design-tokens` package or newer ### 1.0.0 * initial commit of new legend component, that acts like `vf-form__label`