### 3.0.0-alpha.1 * changes out the CSS for `invalid` as an actual class `vf-form__input--invalid`. ### 3.0.0-alpha.0 * reworks the inputs to make more use of nunjucks * restyles the inputs to match latest design direction * adds better documentation * adds a live search input variant ### 2.0.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 2.0.0 * Changes styling of the inputs. * Changes order of form helpers, error messages, etc. * Updates example .njk to use stack. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1228/ ### 1.1.0 * adds `type="search"` form input * styles the cancel button so it uses our icon set and is bigger than user agent default ### 1.0.1 * adds `webkit-appearance: none;` as needed for Safari browsers as autoprefixer is not doing this ### 1.0.0 * removes `vf-u-sr-only` as not needed with removal of floatLabel.js * adds invalid input example * updates disabled styles * reduces internal padding of the input box ### 1.0.0-alpha.10 * Revert "Make vf-form subpatterns workable" * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/commit/706953b6fcfbbd1965d17b2ca082432af90ab752