// vf-flag @import 'package.variables.scss'; /*! * Component: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'name')} * Version: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'version')} * Location: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'location')} * Build time: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'buildTimeStamp')} */ // You need to add this Sass file to ./components/vf-componenet-rollup/index.scss // @import 'vf-flag/vf-flag.scss'; .vf-flag{ display: table; width: auto; } .vf-flag__media { display: table-cell; padding-right: space(400); padding-right: var(--vf-flag--spacing, #{space(400)}); img:not([class*='vf-']) { // as vf-flag uses a table layout, this does not mix well with `vf-content img` and max-width 100% max-width: max-content; } > * { display: block; } } .vf-flag__body { display: table-cell; width: 100%; } .vf-flag__body, .vf-flag__media { .vf-flag--top & { vertical-align: top; } .vf-flag--middle & { vertical-align: middle; } .vf-flag--bottom & { vertical-align: bottom; } .vf-flag--reversed & { padding-left: space(400); padding-left: var(--vf-flag--spacing, #{space(400)}); padding-right: 0 !important; } } .vf-flag--200 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(200)}; } .vf-flag--400 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(400)}; } .vf-flag--500 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(500)}; } .vf-flag--600 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(600)}; } .vf-flag--800 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(800)}; } .vf-flag--1200 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(1200)}; } .vf-flag--1600 { --vf-flag--spacing: #{space(1600)}; }