### 1.6.7 * Add support for definition lists. ### 1.6.3 * Dependency bumps. ### 1.6.2 * Dependency bumps. ### 1.6.1 * Dependency bumps. ### 1.6.0 * Use vf-spacing tokens for heading margins. * Reduce bottom margin on headings to be more consistent with overall typography, design kit. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1589 * Darken and increase figure text size * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1582 * Figures take a responsive and centered layout, which is most typical. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1583 ### 1.5.6 * Adds support for responsive `img` and `figure` elements * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1412 ### 1.5.4 * dependency bump ### 1.5.2 * Remove author information from example, as we have a dedicated vf-article-meta-information component. * Fix blockquote bottom margin. ### 1.5.1 * Fixes a bug with a non-existent @visual-framework/form was required. ### 1.5.0 * changes the dev dependencies to match their new names and versions ### 1.4.1 * Removes the 'dark mode' CSS for links - as it's not implemented. * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.4.0 * adds top margin override for first item inside of `vf-content` ### 1.3.2 * dependency bump ### 1.3.0 * updates spacing design tokens * requires `v2.0.0` of the `vf-design-tokens` package or newer ### 1.2.2 * dependency bump ### 1.2.0 * adds loading="lazy" to the img element for better performance ### 1.1.9 * dependency bump ### 1.1.7 * fixes an issue when content creators add the bold/strong tags to hedaing to make them bolder - when they shouldn't be * adds a little more padding to ul and ol elements so they visually fit 'inside' of vf-content ### 1.1.4 * fixes support for vf-figure alignment options ### 1.1.1 * adds a floated vf-figure example in the nunjucks file * adds CSS for margin spacing of vf-figure inside of vf-content * adds table styles to match default vf-table with striped rows ### 1.1.0 * `vf-content` becomes less of a utility and a general purpose for long-form content * Standardise links colours * Add intial support for `--dark` links ### 1.0.8 * Add support for cite, figcaption * Improve spacing on blockquote ### 1.0.3 * Lerna version bump ### 1.0.1 * Lerna version bump ### 1.0.0 * Initial stable release