// embl-content-hub-loader @import 'package.variables.scss'; // Debug information from component's `package.json`: // --- /*! * Component: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'name')} * Version: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'version')} * Location: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'location')} */ @import 'embl-content-hub-loader.variables.scss'; // contentHub html carries an extra div that should be outside of the grid layout .embl-grid > .vf-content-hub-html, .embl-grid > .embl-content-hub-html, .vf-grid > .vf-content-hub-html, .vf-grid > .embl-content-hub-html { grid-column: 1 / -1; // @todo: this should probably just be .embl-content-hub-html, but that requires a // disruptive change in the contentHub itself and will impact many systems. // that change will require coordination } // contentHub html is sometimes placed as a direct child of `vf-body` which needs a // different grid-column rule set. .vf-body > .vf-content-hub-html, .vf-body > .embl-content-hub-html { grid-column: main; } // This is to target the links that load things like the global header .vf-stack link[data-embl-js-content-hub-loader] { --vf-stack-margin--custom: 0; } // targets anything that's loaded from content hub // as nine times out of ten - it's ok. .vf-content-hub-html { --vf-stack-margin--custom: 0; } // contentHub html responses are nested deep in divitis, // so we ensure a default vf--stack applies to grid containers .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .embl-grid, .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .vf-grid, .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .vf-content > * { --vf-stack-margin: 1rem; --vf-stack-margin--custom: 1rem; margin-top: var(--vf-stack-margin, 1rem); } .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .embl-grid > *, .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .vf-grid > *, .vf-stack .vf-content-hub-html .vf-content > * > * { --vf-stack-margin: 0; --vf-stack-margin--custom: 0 }