### 1.2.0
* contentHub html responses are nested deep in many layers of divs, so we ensure a default vf--stack applies to grid containers.
* https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1725
### 1.1.1
* Avoid a null variable issue when contentHub returns no results.
### 1.1.0
* adds overrides for more permutations of where the vf-global header lives
### 1.0.9
* Improve JS module import support.
* https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1476/
### 1.0.8
* Fix a bug when vfBanner or vfTabs are not present
* https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/809
### 1.0.7
* JS linting
### 1.0.6
* invoke `emblContentHubSignalFinished()` even in cases where there was nothing to load
### 1.0.5
* Fix detection of no response from the contentHub for `embl-js-content-hub-loader-no-content` and `embl-js-content-hub-loader-no-content-hide`
### 1.0.4 (2020-03-20)
* adds support to load embl-notifications component
### 1.0.2
* adds features for when no content is returned. Supply "no content found" text or hide a region
### 1.0.1 (2019)
* adds CSS for times when the `*-content-hub-html` is a direct child of `vf-body`
### 1.0.0 (2019-12-17)
* Initial stable release